Rated at 160A, the FD63/160 frame size isdesigned for use in both a DIN-railenvironment with modular equipment and inindustrial applications. It is supplied withIPXXB terminals suitable for direct connectionof one or two conductors totalling up to 95mm2 and is available as a thermal-magneticbreaker, a moulded case switch, and as amagnetic-only motor circuit protector.The FD63/160 bridges the gap betweenresidential miniature circuit breakers andindustrial moulded case circuit breakers.
FE160 and FE250
Rated at 160 and 250A, the FE frame sizesare designed for side-by-side mounting withFD63/160 types in panels. FE sizes areequipped with an easily accessible busbarconnection and can also be supplied withcable lugs for use with copper or aluminumconductors. The design allows the use ofinterchangeable thermal-magnetic,magnetic-only, and electronic trip units.
FG400 and FG 630
Rated at 400 and 630A, the FG frame sizeincludes all of the advanced features of theFD and FE frame sizes.The FG connection area features easy-toaccessbusbar connections. Cable lugs foruse with single or multiple copper oraluminum conductors are optionallyavailable. The breaker is designed for usewith interchangeable electronic units thatcan be easily adapted to multiple levels ofprotection.
FK 800, 1250 and 1600
Rated at 800,1250 and 1600A, the FK framesizes are designed for use with the FG400and 630 frame sizes. The design useselectronic trips units available in a number ofperformance ranges and allowing a widevariety of setting options and groundfaultprotection. If needed thermal-magnetic andmagnetic only trip units are also available.The FK connection area features easy-toaccessbusbar connections or cable lugs foruse with single or multiple copper oraluminum conductors.