Tube Expander HB Type

Tube Expander HB Type

Parallel tube expansion of a tube sheet thicker than 75mm or a dual tube sheet can be done accurately and rapidly.

Tube Expander HB-type: Tube Expansion Tool for Thick Diameter Tubes and Thick Tube Sheets

Expands a thick diameter tube!

The "Tube Expanders HB-type" are rolling type tube expansion tools used for fixing tubes to tube sheets during the manufacturing process for heat exchangers.
Speedy and precise parallel tube expansion can be performed on thick tube sheets and double tube sheets with a thickness of 75 mm or more.

For Tube OD: 12.7mm ~ 76.2mm & tube sheet thickness over 75mm.

Application Examples:

  • Condensers
  • Heat exchangers
  • High-pressure chemical equipment, etc.

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